
CPC 2018 will be held in the Science Gallery on the main campus of Trinity College Dublin in the centre of Dublin city.

Trinity College Dublin is the sole college of the University of Dublin and the oldest university in Ireland. It was founded in 1592 with its official title of the College of the Holy and Unidvided Trinity of Queen Elizabeth near Dublin.


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Trinity College has a historic 47 acre  (20 hectare) walled campus right in the centre of Dublin city . Trinity’s historic campus and buildings are a popular attraction for visitors to Dublin. It’s cobbled and grassy squares provide an oasis of calm in the otherwise busy city.


The Trinity alumni who once walked these squares includes writers such as Oscar Wilde, Jonathan Swift, Bram Stoker and Samuel Backett,  scientists Ernest Walton and William Rowan Hamilton, and James Ussher who famously dated the creation of the world to 4004 BCE.

Trinity College is also home to historical treasures such as the Book of Kells, a circa 800 CE illuminated manuscipt with decorated pages, and the Long Room of the old library.
